Electoral processes

Putting citizens at the centre


23J Spanish general elections 2023

The visualization of election day data through audio-visual production helps citizens to have a clearer picture of the results and the conduct of the elections. However, it is crucial to ensure that the data presented is accurate and supported by reliable sources. Objectivity and transparency are fundamental to maintaining the integrity of the electoral process.





Below I show three of the last productions in which we I helped...


Multimedia information point

A multimedia information point where users can access various types of information using interactive multimedia technologies. 
Is designed to provide users with a rich and engaging experience, incorporating a combination of different media formats such as text, images, audio, video, and interactive elements. 

The goal is to offer a more comprehensive and immersive way of conveying information compared to traditional static displays.

28M Community of Madrid elections 2023

Plurality + Transparency + 
Real time +

The key is to put the citizen at the centre, everything has to revolve around them, demonstrating transparency and concern that information is at their fingertips. 

To make them participate and to make them live the election day as a unique experience.

This is the objective, to bring information to any citizen in an assertive way, without being intrusive, to live the elections in a clear and organic way, facilitating communication to any citizen.

First proposal for the multimedia of the press conference

Final press conference multimedia

Publish polling data on public screens in real time. 
Making a multitudinous and global communication speaks of transparency and concern for keeping citizens informed.

The election data was reproduced in real time on more than 450 public devices throughout the community of Madrid.

We share with the rest of the citizenship the last hour of the elections. We designed the multimedia pieces for the public screens that were projected on the iconic government building. 

PASO Argentina's primary elections 2021

Multimedia development for all election-related presentation, branding and press conference needs
